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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Tongue Rings and Pleasure

Having a tongue ring is not that bad. Yeah after the first day it may hurt but after that you are good to go. It can take up to a couple of weeks for you to give oral sex in which it is worth it.

Please wait til you are healed it is not worth the infections and risk of bacteria you can get from it.

There are many different kind of rings that you can get that can give you pleasure. Some are vibrations, and different texture balls and there are just different kinds that feels good.

I personally enjoy my tongue ring it give me so much pleasure and it also gives my husband pleasure when kissing and I bet it would also give him more pleasure with oral also. He also got his pierced and I truly enjoy it when he goes down and licks me. It feels so good!

Taking ice or drinking something cold can make your tongue ring cold give an even greater sensation.

Sterilize your tongue rings and mouth with Listerine. Also you could boil your rings for a few minutes.(How to care when you first get it)