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Sunday, March 24, 2019

CONSTIPATION! (After C-section, Chronic constipation, Constipation after surgery)

Constipation hurts! It is the worst pain ever except child birth, breaking a bone or even pain after surgery. C-sections which I had 3 off can mess you up and you will have constipation. They try to give you stool softeners but they barely work, believe me I know I am dealing with it now. They tell you to drink juice, water, warm prune juice and to eat green leafy veggies but that didn't really help either.

You can basically take stool softeners and it still doesn't work it causes pain. You can take laxatives and it causes more pain. This is when it gets serious and it become chronic like now with me. You can push and push and push but it become a hemorrhoid on the eternal or external and it happens due to your poop is so big because you couldn't push it out with the C-section and now it's a ball and you've tried everything to get it out.

 This has happened with my last one and now it's happening with this one. After an hour of pushing and trying to get it to come out and walking around breaking pieces off of it well trying to I remember what we done with my first one.  We used Tushy numbing anal gel and lots of lube so that I wouldn't feel it when it comes out. This time it was to late and it hurt severely We then tried to use the bulb that lets you shoot water up there and it didn't work neither did using a beginner anal toy.

After hours of pushing and sitting there. I finally got some out but then it was to much and the hemorrhoid started bleeding and it burned and hurt. So the next day we decided to get suppositories and that seemed to help when nothing else did.

Beginner anal toys does help with constipation along with tushy numbing agent and lots of lube and suppositories.