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Monday, June 18, 2018

Cleaning Toys!

Cleaning them toys video 

It is important to clean your all your toys not just vagina ones the anal ones also due to  all the bacteria and germs that can build up on it from each use! If you don't clean them then you can end up building an infection in the vagina and it could not end well because you will have to go to the doctors and or hospital and explain hey I was using a toy and guess what! I didn't clean it now I have something growing in my vagina and I need help and medicine to get rid of it!

 I like to clean them when I first get them and after I used them just so that I know it is clean and there is nothing on it. There is all kinds of different toy clears you can get but if you do not have or can get the toy cleaner then just use soap and warm water and rub(Scrub it good) with a rag, or you can also use rubbing alcohol and or soap and water. There is also sometimes other ways you can clean your toys but those are the basics.

There are many different kind of cleaners some for people who are allergic to certain things, fragrance free ones and many more. I use two different ones but sometimes I mainly use the refresh because it is a good cleaner. The is below!